Rockford Amps Where Are Rockford Fosgate Amps And Speakers Manufactured?

Where are Rockford Fosgate amps and speakers manufactured? - rockford amps

I find the online documentation. I'm curious to know whether your "American mentality" is true or total BS.


odinsrag... said...

They are not made in USA!

It used to be handmade in the United States until the company was sold and became a public company. I do not remember exactly, but I think the woman who sold the business when the owner died?

In each case, which were manufactured in Thailand for some time and are still manufactured in Thailand or China. You are not manufactured in the USA.

jimmy said...

everything I could find is in Tempe, Arizona

katlyn s said...

Go to your local audio shop and collect, it seems Subs RF amplifier or speaker and say: right on it. Best way to tell IMO.

katlyn s said...

Go to your local audio shop and collect, it seems Subs RF amplifier or speaker and say: right on it. Best way to tell IMO.

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