Absinthe Glasses "(...)What Difference Is There Between A Glass Of Absinthe And A Sunset?”?

"(...)What difference is there between a glass of absinthe and a sunset?"? - absinthe glasses

"The first stage is like ordinary drinking, the second, when they begin to see monstrous and cruel things, but if you persevere
Entry into the third phase of doing what you want to see, wonderful curious things ... "

I \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, 3 or Rick



Phil Anders said...

I \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt, Sivo 3 U 2:)

Hmm, I never drink that much absinthe, perhaps you should ...

P.I. said...

Sorry. I just had coffee and sandwiches day so far thanks to my son, "muffins" in the school. It is still too early to drink. Ask me again in a few hours. The teachers have enough to drink every drive.

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