Change My Broken Toshiba Laptop Monitor I Have A Toshiba Laptop, Unfortunately Toddler Broke Screen A Year Ago So I Use An External Monitor, This?

I have a toshiba laptop, unfortunately toddler broke screen a year ago so i use an external monitor, this? - change my broken toshiba laptop monitor

broken when a new IVE introduced. Once upon a time, now we are just going in safe mode.

the screen of my laptop is broken, so I only see, when you see the light illuminated, and my laptop the screen of his laptop computer is not my external monitor.

tried safe mode, but do not run any programs, such as mobile PCs, external display properties.

even tried to change the screen size.

I want to help.


laptop repair said...

When the motherboard detects the internal laptop screen "defective" to be able to do so. The only way to power, disconnect the external monitor power on the motherboard's internal computer screen. You can put yourself to do, provided it shows the splash screen and the elimination of the compound, where they joined the screen. Otherwise do contact a company laptop repair for you, or the replacement of the internal screen?

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