Lump Deep In My Leg Horse Wound On Hind Leg Which Has Left Boney Enlargement (like Splint)Any Cures?

Horse Wound On Hind Leg Which Has Left Boney Enlargement (like splint)Any Cures? - lump deep in my leg

Can anyone help?
My horse caught in their hind legs with the hoof, leading to a small but deep cut, which is recovering very well, but a piece of abandoned Boney (such as a rail). I want to show the horse, so I'm reduced to looking for advice on how the tumor, whether ointments or creams, or if there is no cure to my vet I do?
Thanks in advance


Amy S said...

DMSO is ideal for this kind of thing. Help to break the crisis. Just make sure - do not really want that bear in themselves, so gloves.

If you try a new approach to old age, try to find a laser masseur "Infrared" (not really a laser, but I'm not sure how else to describe it) We have for both horses and staff responding fragments of bone, rails, and only when the pain in general. It works really well! Here is a link to an example: ...

Amy S said...

DMSO is ideal for this kind of thing. Help to break the crisis. Just make sure - do not really want that bear in themselves, so gloves.

If you try a new approach to old age, try to find a laser masseur "Infrared" (not really a laser, but I'm not sure how else to describe it) We have for both horses and staff responding fragments of bone, rails, and only when the pain in general. It works really well! Here is a link to an example: ...

Indigo Smith said...

so that the horse occur the vet, it sounds like a splint.could serious than it seems.

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