Level 28 Map Pack 3 Bloons Question About Call Of Duty 5: Nazi Zombies Map Pack 3 Der Reise?

Question about Call of Duty 5: Nazi Zombies Map Pack 3 Der Reise? - level 28 map pack 3 bloons

Well, if I have a PS3 COD Map Pack 3, I had a couple of weeks. Round highiest had 31 with 4 persons and 28 achieved with 2 people. She also had over 100,000 points or more. But now, if I was long in the barracks, they say that I highiest is 6 for me. as said in the past, the exact number and reached levels of more than 20 times, he said, do not change it. even if I do I play, which is the same. How do I change it? I can not find someone to play with me now bc they see, think, and n in the garbage behind? It would be very grateful if u could tell me how to repair or connect with other in contact with? Thank you very much


conley39 said...

You need to replace the item, the Games area. It really has nothing to do with the packaging or travel for people without many of us can help.

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